
Hi! I’m Allie.

Man, woman, and 1 year old baby girl sitting in chairs wearing party hats.Man, woman, and 1 year old baby girl sitting in chairs wearing party hats.Allie Szczecinski from Miss Behavior

Looking to learn about Miss Behavior? Here’s some FAQs from you!

What are your credentials?

I have my undergraduate degree from Illinois State University in Special Education, which in Illinois certifies me to teach Kindergarten — Age 21 across all disability areas with the exception of students who are Deaf/HOH or Blind/Visually Impaired. My Master’s degree is from The University of Illinois in Special Education which allowed to gain my credentials to be come a Multiple Disabilities Specialist. I additionally am trained in trauma informed practices and am a Trauma and Crisis Specialist through the American School Counselor Association.

What do you teach?

Over my 10 years in the classroom, I taught exclusively in self contained settings in Chicagoland. I have taught students with low incidence disabilities including but not limited to Intellectual Disabilities, Autism, OHI, Multiple Disabilities, and Emotional Disabilities. I found myself most passionate about serving children with Emotional disabilities. They’re often very misunderstood. Equitable behavior plans and effective classroom management became my passion projects! I additionally spent 2 years as a special education consultant for a local non-profit supporting local and international special education programs/classrooms. I am currently a social emotional learning & behavior coach in a public school in Chicagoland.

What resources do you recommend to teachers who want to improve their behavior knowledge and practices?

I have an entire Amazon storefront that I have set up just to answer this very question. There are a TON of important, guiding texts for educators out there and it’s hard for me to choose just one. Check out my Amazon store to see the books and related resources that I recommend to schools!

What else do you like to do?

I LOVE to read, travel, spend time with my pets, hang with my family, and be outside.