Healthy friendships
I like to share with children that a healthy friendship is one where everyone feels both valued and safe. I always remind them that safety goes beyond your physical body being safe, but your emotions, too. Yelling, name calling, and refusing to share will not make a peer feel safe emotionally, and that matters, too.
This mini book is a great introduction to healthy friendships. I love that it’s simple to assemble, so kids can take ownership and create their own. You can print the books on colored paper, or white so students can color the clip art. The language in the mini book provides an overview of why healthy relationships are important, and what it means. The clip art is great for discussion, too.
Friendship characteristics
I think it’s really powerful when kids think and discuss what is important to them in a friendship. What qualities or characteristics do they like to have in a friend? You can read books to provide both examples, and non-examples, of healthy friendships.
I also love this caterpillar craft! Students build their own caterpillar that shows what they value in a friend. There are provided adjectives, and plenty of blank circles for students to write their own. You also can’t go wrong with an activity that targets direction following and fine motor skills, too. These caterpillars are so cute when finished. They look great as a door decoration or a bulletin board.
Practice, practice, practice
It’s easy to do a “one and done” social emotional learning lesson. We have all been there! We know that best practice tells us to refer back to previous learning and continually touch upon previously learned skills. This pocket chart game is a really cute and simple way to continue practicing the concept of healthy friendships.
Place the scenario cards in a pocket chart, and place a bug card infront of them. Students take turns picking a number at random, reading (or listening to) the scenario, and discussing if this is an example of a healthy friendship. Simple, low prep, high engagement!
What do you think?