I thought News 2 You was for students with intellectual disabilities?

1.) Differentiated levels of resources

2.) Extension Activity
I can say with certainty that my students have a lack of exposure of many experiences and information. It’s the nature of their disability and one of the many negative results of their traumatic backgrounds. I can’t expect my class to read a newspaper article about King Tut and be able to connect to it. Having a meaningful experience with the text is a challenge without background knowledge. This is why I LOVE the Extension Activities that News 2 You offers.
I would create these slideshows myself if they weren’t already available with the program, and it’s insanely helpful that the team there has already created these. I have talked to many teachers using N2Y that did not even know about the glory that is the Extension Activities! They are background building slides that discuss more about the underlying theme of that week’s newspaper. Facts, discussion questions, primary-sourced pictures, and videos are embedded to help build the knowledge of the students so they can better connect to the newspaper and the information. So many of our students are visual, experiential learners that really respond to multiple examples of new material. This week as we learned about King Tut, my students originally had no idea who he was, or what this newspaper would be about. As we browsed through the Extension Activity slideshow, I saw so many lightbulbs go off! They DID know about Egypt, they just did not have the vocabulary (like Sphinx and pyramid) to really share the information that they already had been exposed to.