Imagine this job description…
Large institution looking for workers able to stay focused and still for long periods of time. Proper penmanship, reading skills and math knowledge are required, as are excellent listening skills and the ability to work well in a group of coworkers. Successful applicants will receive a desk and solid chair to remain seated in for the duration of the day, thirty minutes for lunch (again, seated on a chair), and a brief period of exercise either in a structured sport or in a competitive athletic event. If selected for this position, you will be expected to be quiet for approximately six hours a day. Expect extra work to be completed at home, again seated in silence.
Bunny Breath
Taking big breaths will re-energize the body and wake up the brain. Inhale 3 sips of air through your nose and exhale 1 long breath through your mouth. Repeat a few times.
Flying Breath
Neck Circles

Shoulder Circles
Wrist Stretches
Cat Stretches
Half Moon
“Children are natural imitators, gift them with a practice worthy of imitation.” – Nell Regan
- Classroom Stretch Breaks Using Yoga
- School Meditations for Teens
- Yoga in School for Kids
- Classroom Brain Breaks
- Register for the EduKAY workshop or take the Classroom Kids Yoga online course